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monkey's journal ...

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my weight is 73Kg.  i'm quite literally piling it back on, now that i'm off my fruitarian diet.  i'm sure this can't be healthy.  i spoke to someone i know that has type 2 diabetes.  he confirmed that he gets swollen feet due to it.  so, i think that confirms what i suspect.  as such, i'm already trying to think of ways to get back into the fruit tree, well, as best i can.  i guess the most obvious step to take in the short term is to cut down on sweet fruits and rely more on vegetable fruits.  also, i think that continuing supplementing would perhaps be beneficial for my overall health and might even help increase my insulin production.

my weight is now 77.5Kg.  i've still not got back to a fruitarian diet and, in the short term, it doesn't look like i'm going to.  my GP has done a few blood tests and tells me that i'm low on iron and protein.  apparently, i've got edema (swollen feet) because of this.  the good news, however, is that i haven't got diabetes.  i guess i have to be brutally honest here.  i'm not going to try to get back to being fruitarian until i've found a sustainable way to avoid such problems.  and that might well mean not being too purist about this and eating nuts and seeds, as i used to do.  certainly, i think that, at least during transition, a multi-vitamin is essential, and a complete one at that too.  it's a great pity that this particular attempt at being fruitarian has so blatantly ended in failure.  however, i've been honest here about my experiences and perhaps that'll be of some benefit to someone.

sadly, my mother passed away nearly 2 weeks ago now.  i knew this was coming.  nevertheless, it's impacted my life very severely.  it was the spectre of this event that had forced me to take comfort in my favourite junk food.  and now that it's finally come to pass i just don't have the will for dietary refinements anymore.  perhaps in the future that'll change, though i don't think it'll be until at least next year now.  whether i'll post on this forum again, even if i do have another try, is debateable.  being the only active member, it's not been of any support to me.  in fact, this has been a distinctly lonely experience.

it's been quite a while since i last posted here.  my mind has been on other more pressing issues, such as my father breaking his leg and having to have a half hip replacement.  diet wise, i'm back to being lacto-ovo-vegetarian, which seems to be the safe option for me.  i haven't really figured out exactly why being fruitarian didn't work very well for me this time, though i think that i tried to do too much too soon and probably wasn't getting a sufficient balance of fruit either.  oddly, i'm just not eating any fruit at the moment.  i seem to only be able to do this on an all-or-nothing basis.  the edema has settled down quite a bit, though i'm not sure it's entirely cured.  anyway, i've not got any plans to go fruitarian again just at the moment.  it's something that i'd still like to achieve but that dream seems to have largely slipped away now.

i finally got back to see my GP this week.  my blood tests have revealed low vitamin B12, low folate (folic acid - i did say that i didn't think that i was likely to get pregnant any time soon but that little joke fell on deaf ears) and low iron.  so, no real surprises.  the low iron was just sheer negligence on my behalf.  my GP wanted me to have vitamin B12 injections.  now, for someone that hates needles, this isn't the kind of thing that i'd submit to willingly.  so, i've promised to try to be more diligent about taking a multi-vit.  and anyway, i'm not exactly dying ... yet.


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